Caleva Process Solutions Ltd. provide products and services in a manner which conforms to the specific requirements of the company, its customers and any regulatory authority, with the emphasis being on performance, reliability and continuity of quality.
We operate a formal Quality Management System (QMS) that conforms to the:
Standard ISO9001 : 2015
Caleva are committed to complying with the requirements of ISO 9001 and the continual improvement of the effectiveness of our QMS. Quality objectives are set annually and management reviews maintain the focus on these objectives throughout the year.
Our strategy is to increase sales of core products by targeting new markets requiring demanding process controls.
Customer satisfaction is of the utmost importance and with this in mind, the management team at Caleva continually review specific objectives during its Management Review Procedure. This ensures that we continue to improve the quality of our services and provide the necessary resources, training and staff awareness to achieve those objectives, as defined in the Quality Manual.
Mr Richard Lovell
Managing Director
Caleva Process Solutions Ltd
August 2022