News from Caleva

Expanding Career Horizons

Written by Dawn Philips | Apr 8, 2024 9:24:00 AM
Caleva’s continuing support for local youth and education

Caleva’s Managing Director, Richard Lovell, recently delivered an animated talk to the sixth form students at Sturminster Newton High School as part of a series of talks from local business leaders regarding their post school journey.

As part of the school’s programme to help prepare students for employment, local business leaders presented their varying career journeys, to showcase different industry sectors and the diversity of jobs available in the real world.


Valuable Insights into Employment & Career Development

Speaking openly to the students about his own experiences, Richard shared some of the highlights of his own career path, which has brought him to the position of Managing Director of a manufacturing company who exports products globally. This provided the students with valuable insights into some of the varied positions and development paths available within full time employment.

Following his presentation, Richard went on to lead an interactive breakout session with a group of Business Studies students currently studying manufacturing. This provided a more informal and relaxed setting for the students to ask questions, from the job application process to interview tips and best practice. They also asked questions relating to their coursework involving marketing to niche audiences and HR policies.


Caleva’s Sales and Marketing Coordinator Tom Lipop, himself a former student of the school, accompanied Richard to the high school to take pictures of the event. “It was a great experience to return to my high school. I always found the career talks valuable when I was a student, so it was inspiring to see the latest sixth form students being engaged and asking questions about Caleva, running a business, and working life.” Said Tom.


Ongoing Collaborations with Sturminster High School

Delivering a career development talk is just one way in which Caleva has been working alongside the local high school. Over the last 12 months Caleva has provided work experience placements for the students and has also contributed towards the school’s Young Enterprise Scheme.

“It’s been an honour and a privilege to support our local high school students as they prepare for working life and we look forward to our continuing relationship via future work placements and career initiatives” said Louise Mee, Caleva’s Sales and Marketing Director.


Supporting the Local Community

Empowering local students to better understand the diverse career opportunities available to them will help them to make better, more informed decisions about their futures.

Caleva is proud to be able to support the local community in this way and will continue to work alongside the local school for the enrichment of the students.