
Trilobe and quadrilobe extruder dies with catalyst adsorption

Can trilobe and quadrilobe extruder dies provide benefits when working with catalysts or products for gas adsorption?

Benchtop laboratory extruders working with small amounts of product play a useful role in the production of extrudate for applications aimed at the study and development of products used for catalysis or gas adsorption.

Small units can be particularly useful where the product is costly, difficult to make, or scarce. The preference is often to work with small amounts of material. Small benchtop units are often useful when trials need to be completed quickly, in the least possible time.


 Researchers often ask us about Caleva's small benchtop extruder, which is an attachment for the Caleva Multi Lab (CML) base unit. These questions include:



If you would like to know more about the Caleva Multi Lab, Caleva's benchtop mixer, extruder and spheronizer, please get in touch with our experts today


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Dawn Philips
By Dawn Philips
29 Oct 2020 in Catalyst Materials

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