The different states of agglomeration were identified by the evolution of rheological properties under water addition and shearing conditions using a Caleva®mixer torque rheometer.
Knowledge Base
How reproducible can measurements be of something that is not homogeneous?
The MTR-3 uniquely offers a means of characterising the rheological properties of a wet granulation by providing a quantitative value of the consistency of the material tested. The more traditional hand squeeze test, previously widely used, to measure or compare granulations, is falling into disrepute and is no longer considered appropriate for modern day industrial production or research...
Yield Problems in Production and Quality Control
One of the strengths of the Caleva Mixer Torque Rheometer (MTR-3) is that it can be used to verify the properties of wet powder mass samples taken during production in large scale mixer/granulator systems.
How the Mixer Torque Rheometer resolved a tablet friability issue
Caleva worked closely with a well known producer of food supplements made from natural materials, plant extracts and other natural food sources. Their tablet formulations work well and this nutraceutical company has a good reputation for their products. Generally they do not encounter problems with tablets breaking or disintegrating during manufacture, packing or storage.
Determination of moisture requirement to prepare spheroids by extrusion-spheronization
Spheroids are popularly used in the design of multi-particulate drug delivery systems. Extrusion and spheronization is commonly employed to manufacture spheroids in the pharmaceutical industry. It is a multiple-step manufacturing process which could be summarized into the flow chart as shown in Figure 1.
Save Time and Cost in Formulation Development
In the mid 1990’s, the field of pyrotechnics was limited mainly to applications in aircraft ordnance, fireworks and rock blasting. This has been developed to a highly advanced science and is an extensively used technology which finds application in spacecraft, aircraft and underwater vehicle systems. “Pyrotechnic “is defined as “explosive-actuated” and refers especially to devices in which...
End Point Determination Using the Caleva Mixer Torque Rheometer
A company wished to move a formulation currently undergoing product development from small scale laboratory (with batches of 50 grams) to the next stage for a larger scale batch trial of 100 kg (scale–up). The development had been started using a small Caleva Multi Lab bench top mixer (maximum batch capacity 50 gram of wet mass). This development had been successful and now additional samples...
The importance of mixing time for formulation development
It is well established and understood that one of the most important factors in the development of a formulation for both tableting and making pellets by extrusion and spheronization is the amount of liquid binder added to the formulation. What is less widely acknowledged is the importance of mixing and the mixing regime used.