Knowledge Base

Alan Webb

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The Unsung Heroes: Adsorption & Absorption in Extrusion-Spheronization

Extrusion-spheronization is a cornerstone technique in pharmaceutical manufacturing, transforming drug substances and excipients into uniform, spherical granules (sometimes called pellets, spheroids or beads). 

How to clean the spray head on your Mini Coater Drier

If you need help in understanding how best to clean the nozzle and spray head to maintain and care for your Mini Coater Drier Tablet & Pellet Coater then this video will show you how.  Full instructions are contained in your operating manual.  If you require advice or assistance then please contact Caleva and we will be very happy to help.

How to produce consistent formulations from different mixers

Customer Quote: Mr. K.S (Aurobindo)

"It is exciting to see the correlation between the two graphs and granulation end point". 

With a major pharmaceutical manufacturer, together we characterised all their various mixers to produce a consistent formulation.

To identify three important characteristics for wet mass materials, namely:

  • The Optimum moisture point
  • The mixing time required to reach the...